
20 Fastest Growing Occupations

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The Fastest Growing Occupations are in the fields of computer science, energy, and healthcare. An occupation is considered fast-growing when there is a high demand for the skills it requires. Some of the reasons why this happens include technological advancements, shifts in the economy, or a need for more services. 

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), these fastest growing occupations have the highest projected percent change of employment between 2023 and 2033.

Fastest Growing Occupations

OccupationGrowth RateMedian Annual Pay
Wind turbine service technicians60%$61,770
Solar photovoltaic installers48%$48,800
Nurse practitioners46%$126,260
Data scientists36%$108,020
Information security analysts33%$120,360
Medical and health services managers29%$110,680
Physician assistants28%$130,020
Computer and information research scientists26%$145,080
Physical therapist assistants25%$64,080
Operations research analysts23%$83,640
Occupational therapy assistants22%$67,010
Financial examiners21%$84,300
Home health and personal care aides21%$33,530
Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers19%$36,440
Veterinary technologists and technicians19%$43,740
Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors19%$53,710

What is the Fastest Growing Career in the Future?

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2025, there is a macro trend for employers to broaden digital access which will greatly effect their business. Growing digital access is a vital enabler for new technologies that can transform labor markets.

This growth will have the biggest impact on three technologies in particular. And you can expect some of the fastest growing occupations in the fields of robots and automation, energy generation and storage technology, and AI and information processing.


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