
Can You Attend an Online School with Kids?


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Do you want to return to school but you have kids? Attending an online school with kids is a great option that is flexible for parents! You’ve made the decision to go back to school to further your education so that you can have the career that you want. This career is likely one that you desire so that you can support your family. However, you might not think that you will be able to attend classes or complete your assignments because of the time you spend with your children.

An option that you have is an online school. Most classes allow you to complete assignments within a designated length of time, making it easier to work on those that need your attention first while still being able to care for your children. There are a few other benefits of online schools if you have children and how you can make the most of your education while staying at home. Can I Attend an Online School with Kids?


When you make your schedule for each semester, you can choose classes that allow you to focus on activities your children do during the school year. Since most college classes are during the day, you can schedule courses while your children are in school or in daycare.

You’ll be able to compare the classes that are available at online schools and the courses that you need to complete in order to obtain your degree so that you select those that fit your schedule. One tip is overscheduling, and completing an online degree faster. You may have less time in the short term. However, if you can finish in a few months, you can be free from the stress sooner.

Can I Attend an Online School with Kids?

Convenient Option

Attending an online school offers many conveniences if you’re a parent. You can still turn in assignments and read the lessons even when your children are sick.

Online classes allow you to cook, clean, and perform tasks that you need to complete at home, while you’re getting an education. You don’t have to leave your home to go to a college campus, which means that you can begin your classwork after getting your kids ready for school. You’re also at home when your kids get out of school so that they don’t have to be alone.

Save Money

Most online degrees are less expensive than their traditional counterparts. Additionally, students also save money on gas because they don’t have to commute to a college campus. One reason the online school is usually less expensive is that you don’t need as many books and supplies.

Most teachers provide power-points and links to websites so that you get the information you need online instead of buying books that can sometimes be quite expensive.

Alone Time

If you don’t like being around a lot of people but still want to further your education, then online classes are a good option to consider. You can study, take tests, and complete assignments from the comfort of your couch, chair, or anywhere else as long as you’re comfortable.

Most online students interact with other students through discussion boards posted online for the class. This is an ideal option to consider as well if you don’t like speaking in front of people or you become anxious when you’re in a room with several other people.


Instructors will usually ask that you send a message or do something simple to show that you are completing your assignments instead of requiring you to physically attend the class. Since you don’t have to leave your home, it’s easier to attend your classes when it’s raining or snowing or if there is something that you need to do during the day that would result in not being able to complete your work until later in the evening.

You also have a bit more flexibility with online attendance so that you can take your kids to practice for sports or so that you can attend special events with your kids as long as you at least log on to the school’s website and the class during the day.


If you have a question about an assignment, then you can easily send a message to your instructors. You can also send messages if you know that you’re going to be out of town and won’t be able to complete an assignment or log in to your class for a day or two.

There are often options that allow you to post a question on a discussion page so that you can get help from the other students in the class as well. You’ll be able to get more attention from your teachers since you’re going to be the one sending a question instead of waiting for other students to ask their questions and possibly running out of time in a physical class setting.

So, can you attend an online school with kids? The answer is YES!


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